3 Reviews of the Lindy-Lu Bag!

1: Review from http://www.slipperysoup.com/
Sensory Toys

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Lindy-Lu Soft Sensory Bags!

A multi-sensory, developmental, activity toy for children and children with special needs.

I found an awesome product that my kids love! It was originally invented for children with special needs but, let me assure you…this is for everyone and all ages. It’s a cleverly invented Lindy-Lu Bag (Patent Pending) by May May Designs. I might try this one in church (I’ll try anything to get my kids to hold still.)

It comes in 3 different sizes-with a bag of toys included!

My Christian loved this. He loved finding buttons and beads in the rice.
He was seriously looking for something in there!

See more of the review at http://www.slipperysoup.com/

2: On Tuesday, September 21, 2010 The Lindy-Lu Bag was highlighted beautifully on GOOD THINGS UTAH morning show at 9am!!!

3: Review from http://www.secondtimearound09.blogspot.com/
Thursday, July 29, 2010

My Dad works in a special needs school and one day he told me that there was a lady he knew that had created a great product and I just had to check it out. I was very intrigued and I ended up talking to Amy, the owner and creator of MayMay Designs llc. and the product that was created is called the Lindy-Lu Bag.

About the Lindy-Lu Bag (from her website)
The Lindy-Lu Soft Sensory Bag is a fun, interactive and sensory filled way of allowing children and special needs children to learn, explore, promote imagination, play, and overcome defensiveness to tactile stimulation.

This toy allows special needs children to interact in a way that would normally be deemed too messy for them, like with an open activity table, and gives them a soft, comfortable and recognizable component that will allow them to feel comfortable to explore and play. This toy has many sensory components. At it's filled weight, it offers weighted therapy, for children with many diagnosis who need weighted therapy that gives important proprioceptive input. With this, children will feel the security and balance that can reduce hyperactivity while also allowing increased body awareness in a self calming manner.

For young, normally developing children, this toy offers a fun, interactive way to develop their tender imaginations through visual and tactile stimulation in their early developmental years.

I have a nephew who is autistic, fortunately he does not have a severe case of autism, but at times he can be very challenging. I thought the Lindy-Lu Bag would be a great thing to try out on him as well as a great activity for Tobin as well.

The Lindy-Lu Bag is basically a sweatshirt that has the top and bottom sewed together and the front of the shirt there is a big clear square of plastic. You then fill the sweatshirt/bag with small toys (they are included) and then fill it with 4 lbs. of a filler (not included). Fillers can be anything you would like, some suggestions are rice, beans, popcorn kernels, and just about any organic or non-organic material that is weighted and is pleasant to touch. Rice is a great choice because it maintains its temperature. I personally like the feel of it and I think it has a very calming effect which is why I chose to fill my bag with rice.
How to Use the Lindy-Lu Bag (from their website)
* The sleeves can be brought up to hold around any part of the arm or leg. The sleeves are placed on the arms or legs to keep the container's contents in place and to allow the child to feel secure in a familiar, soft, sweater feel. The child’s hands or feet can then interact with the filler and toys inside. The child can then look through the window on the top to see what is inside and what his/her hands or feet are doing and feeling. Parents and teachers can use this toy for different types of games. Kids can be asked to close their eyes and find a single object in a certain amount of time, two children can each place a single arm in each arm hole and have to work together to put something together or accomplish a task...this is just to name a few!

* When the child is finished playing with the toy, the sleeves can slide down the child's arms or legs. Both sleeves are then tied together into a knot to secure the contents within the container and placed anywhere for next time!

I first had Tobin try out the Lindy-Lu Bag and he was intrigued by it but was a little uneasy about putting his arms inside. So we just played an I Spy game and I would tell him to find a certain object. He thought that was fun and then I showed him how to put his arms inside. I really liked running my fingers through the rice and toys. It really does have a calming effect and it is definitely a great sensory toy. Tobin then decided he could try it out and he loved it. He plays with it often and I especially love to pull it out when he's having a hard day and is frustrated or upset because it calms him down.

I really wanted my nephew to try it out so that I could get a special needs perspective. I happened to choose a great day to try it out, because he had been playing in the sprinklers with Tobin and his sister and he was getting very upset for some reason. So, I pulled him to the side and had him stick his arms in the Lindy-Lu Bag. He immediately calmed down and he played with it for over 30 minutes. That is amazing to me that he sat for that long and did not lose interest. I was also amazed because I never heard one peep from him, and that is not like him. He is constantly talking and he can never sit still. I definitely think he needs a Lindy-Lu Bag to use whenever he needs it. It worked amazing well for him.

Amy has had some wonderful success with all types of special needs children using the Lindy-Lu Bags. Go check out some very precious pictures on her blog that she has of the Lindy-Lu Bag being used.

The Lindy-Lu Bag is a wonderful product for everyone and I highly recommend it. If you want to learn more about the Lindy-Lu Bag, please visit MayMay Designs llc. Blog.