How to Use, Fillers and Care!

When you receive your Lindy-Lu Bag and toys, a paper describing the bag's care, use and child safety warnings will be included.

Putting together your Lindy-Lu Bag is simple and easy. After you choose which filler you wish to use in your bag, fill the bag with about 4 pounds or filler and then add the toys and mix them in by rolling them around in the bag, careful not to spill out through the open arm hole. While filling, it is best to tie one arm into a knot so the items will no spill out the other side. Then continue to add filler to bag until you have reached the desired weight.

Ideas for fillers:

Play Sand, that has dust removed
Pop Corn kernels
Or any other organic or non-organic material that adds weight and is pleasant to the touch. I prefer rice because of it's feel and ability to hold it's temperature, cold or warm.

To cool the bag down for children who like a cool touch, let the bag sit in the refrigerator for half an hour or more before use. To warm the bag, place a heating pad on low to the bottom of the Lindy-Lu Bag, only placing heat to the sweatshirt material. Let it heat for 15 minutes, roll rice around in bag and feel the rice to see if it is at the right temperature. Do not place any heating source inside the bag or on the window of the Bag. Do not heat for more than 15 minutes at a time on low setting.

How to use
* The sleeves can be brought up to hold around any part of the arm or leg. The sleeves are placed on the arms or legs to keep the container's contents in place and to allow the child to feel secure in a familiar, soft, sweater feel. The child’s hands or feet can then interact with the filler and toys inside. The child can then look through the window on the top to see what is inside and what his/her hands or feet are doing and feeling. Parents and teachers can use this toy for different types of games. Kids can be asked to close their eyes and find a single object in a certain amount of time, two children can each place a single arm in each arm hole and have to work together to put something together or accomplish a task...this is just to name a few!

* When the child is finished playing with the toy, the sleeves can slide down the child's arms or legs. Both sleeves are then tied together into a knot to secure the contents within the container and placed anywhere for next time!

To store the bag
Tie both arms into a loose knot for the next use. When carrying the Lindy-Lu Bag DO NOT carry by the arms of the bag. Hold the Lindy-Lu Bag from the bag, cradling it in your arms, or place it in any kind of bag to carry it.